
& Stress management

What is Breathwork?

Conscious breathing

"Breathwork" or conscious breathing is a simple but powerful method to reduce stress, improve sleep quality, strengthen concentration and promote feelings of calm and well-being.

Specifically, you work with the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, both of which control the body's unconscious functions:

The sympathetic nervous system is activated in stress or danger and puts the body in "fight-or-flight" mode. It increases heart rate, blood pressure and releases energy to get you ready for action.

The parasympathetic nervous system acts as a counterbalance and is activated in calm situations. It lowers heart rate and blood pressure, promotes digestion and helps the body recover and rebuild.

Through various breathing techniques, we stress the body and then make it relax. With this up and down regulation, we increase the mental and physiological stress tolerance, and over time you will become better at handling the "stress" you encounter in your everyday life.

A healthy balance between the two systems is thus essential for both physical and mental well-being.

"Breathwork" is therefore something for those who want to create a better well-being their everyday life.

We work with 4 elements. Oxygenation, breathhold, heat and cold.


Oxygen plays a central role in breathwork, as it is necessary for the body's energy production and general function. When you increase oxygen uptake through conscious breathing, the body's cellular function improves, which can lead to increased energy and mental clarity. It can also reduce stress as it helps to balance the nervous system and improve the body's ability to regenerate. Increased oxygen supply can also strengthen the immune system, promote faster recovery after physical activity and create a feeling of calm and well-being by optimizing the body's natural processes.

I vores breathwork arbejder vi bl.a. TUMMO teknikkerne som er en gammel tibetansk vejrtrækningsteknik.

Breath hold

Breath hold, or CO2 training in connection with breathwork is about increasing the body's tolerance to carbon dioxide (CO2) through controlled breathing exercises. By holding your breath or breathing slowly, the level of CO2 in the blood increases, training the body to be more efficient in its use of oxygen. This can improve endurance and increase the body's ability to handle physical and mental stress. The exercises can also help create greater awareness of the breath and provide a deeper sense of calm and control.

Here we work with various weather protection techniques that are also used by freedivers. 



Heat and sauna have many positive effects on both body and mind. 

Physically, it helps to increase blood circulation, relieve muscle tension and cleanse waste products through sweat. 

Regular heat exposure through sauna can also strengthen the immune system and reduce pain in joints and muscles.

Mentally, the sauna contributes to deep relaxation by lowering stress levels and activating the parasympathetic nervous system. It can improve sleep, increase well-being and provide a feeling of renewed energy.

The sauna is therefore an effective tool for both recovery and mental peace.


Taking an ice bath also has a number of positive effects on both body and mind. 

Physiologically, cold exposure can reduce inflammation, promote muscle recovery and relieve post-exercise soreness. It increases blood circulation as the body draws blood towards the vital organs to protect itself from the cold. This can provide an energy boost and improve the body's general blood flow. 

Mentally, ice baths improve mood and increase tolerance for physical and emotional stress, giving a sense of increased control and well-being in life.

The place

We facilitate our breathwork in our own little forest in a specially designed tent that we call Løvdalen.
There is room for 10 people in our open class - but we also offer 1-1 and 1-2 guided breathing sessions.

Classes and workshops

Below you can see which classes and courses we offer. If you have any questions, please contact us

Open sessions

Price: 250 DKK per person

Our open sessions aimed both at those who want to try and explore breathwork for the first time, and those who have already become familiar with it in the past. 

Our guided breathwork sessions lasts approx. hour and a half. These teams are only trained in breathing and not in connection with cold (ice bath) and heat (sauna)

Privat sessions

Price from 3000 DKK 

We do also offer companies or a groups who wants a private breathwork session

A private session includes 10 people. If there are more than 10 people, then the price is 250 DKK per person. extra participating.

Send an email or give us a call. 


Prices from 3995 DKK 

If,on the other hand, you want to try the whole journey, we have also created a course that extends over 8 weeks. Here you will become familiar with the four elements we use, as well as be trained to practice breathwork yourself.

The workshop consists of 8 sessions (1 time per week) for approx. an hour and a half, where we work with different elements within breathing as well as heat and cold exposure.

Breathwork workshop

If you want to try the whole journey, we have created a course where you will get to know all 4 elements that we work with - Oxygen, breath hold, heat and cold. The course takes place over 8 weeks (once a week. A total of 8 times) for approx. 1 ½ to 2 hours. Below you can see the program and the elements that we will work with.

Vi forventer at starte første forløb op onsdag den 5 februar 2025

Kontakt os på tlf. 23 83 83 43 eller via mail:
Der er kun 10 pladser på vores forløb

Dag 1

Introduktion til det bevidste åndedræt, baggrund samt kulde eksponering (is-hænder)

Dag 2

Her udforsker vi TUMMO åndedrættet samt hopper en tur i det kolde vand

Dag 3

TUMMO åndedrættet i en "gearet" version samt intro til afstressende åndedrætsteknikker (Ujjayi)

Dag 4

Introduktion til vejrhold - Co2 træning

Dag 5

Vi arbejder videre med Co2 tolerancen samt arbejder med isbad

Dag 6

Her går vi tilbage til den guidet TUMMO samt den gearet version

Dag 7

Vi skal i sauna og arbejde med hhv. varme og kulde i kombination

Dag 8

Vi afslutter med en guidet TUMMO samt saunagus

Booking til
Open sessions

Man booker sin plads ved at klikke på den enkelte dato herunder, og udfylder sine informationer.

Du modtager ingen e-mail bekræftelse efter din booking. Du vil blot se bekræftelsen på hjemmesiden her, når din booking er bekræftet.


Cash on arrival (make sure to have the right amount)


Straksoverførsel senest 2 dage inden afholdelse via bank til Reg nr. 6688 / Konto nr. 0017904329 (husk at noter navnet på deltager) 

VIGTIGT! Tilmelder du dig vores breathwork hold, bekræfter du samtidigt, at du har læst og accepteret “ANSVAR og BETINGELSER”, som fremgår længere nede på siden.

Praktiske informationer

Du skal medbringe komme i noget afslappet tøj samt en vanddunk. Vi stiller dog også vand og glas frem til dem. 

Er du på et et af vores forløb, så skal du også huske badetøj med til isbad samt sauna de dage, hvor vi også benytter de ting. Det vil du få besked på fra gang til gang.  



Hold dig fra “Breathwork”, saunagus, og isbade hvis du har:

– Cardiovascular disease

– Irregular heartbeat/puls

– Fluctuating blood pressure

– Have a fever or otherwise illness

– Cancer diseases

– Certain skin disorders

- Diseases of the thyroid gland

– Have had or current being treated for blood clots, varicose veins or a skin condition with inflammation

– Drunk alcohol

– Pregnant

If you are in doubt as to whether your health means that you should not go to the sauna, ask your doctor.

Ansvar og betingelser

1. Ved tilmelding accepterer og bekræfter du samtidigt, der er myndig og fyldt 18 år, at deltagelse i breathwork på Schellerup Gård sker på eget ansvar. Man skal være fyldt 16 år for at deltage i breathwork på Schellerup Gård.

2. Du er indforstået med og accepterer, at breathwork kan medføre reaktioner og/eller fysisk ubehag mm. Jeg erklærer derfor, at jeg ikke har følgende: 

Cardiovascular disease, irregular heartbeat, fluctuating blood pressure, fever or otherwise ill, cancer, certain skin disorders, thyroid disorders, had or are being treated for blood clots, varicose veins or a skin disorder with inflammation, are pregnant, have drunk alcohol or otherwise affected by other euphoric substanses.

If you are in doubt as to whether your health means that you should not go to the sauna, ask your doctor.

3. Jeg er indforstået med og accepterer, at jeg skal følge alle anvisninger, som repræsentanterne for Schellerup ApS giver mig under mit ophold på Schellerup Gård.

4. Jeg er indforstået med og accepterer, at jeg selv hæfter for skader på inventar og andet udstyr som anvendes af Schellerup ApS, såfremt jeg handler uagtsomt, udøver hærværk eller tilsidesætter de anvisninger som repræsentanterne for Schellerup ApS anviser.

5. I agree and accept that Schellerup ApS is NOT responsible for any damage to my belongings caused due to negligent acts or omissions by Schellerup ApS or a third party, and that Schellerup ApS are NOT responsible for compensation for lost belongings, including especially clothes and valuables in changing rooms as well as things lost/forgotten.

6. I agree and accept that Schellerup ApS is NOT responsible for any personal injuries that I may cause to myself or a third party in connection with the use of participation in saunagus (including when staying at and around the sauna and the area in general).

7. also agree and accept that Schellerup ApS is NOT responsible for any personal injuries that I may suffer as a result of negligent actions or omissions by Schellerup ApS or third parties in connection with the use of the facilities, etc. which is used by Schellerup ApS.

8. I agree and accept that I cannot seek recourse action against Schellerup ApS for the compensation claims that may be asserted against me.

9. Ovenstående ansvarsfraskrivelse gælder ikke for skader, som følge af forsætlige handlinger eller sådanne undladelser af Schellerup ApS (eller dets ansatte og repræsentanter).

10. I agree and accept that the above disclaimers also apply to any minors, such as myself are responsible for, in the event that these suffer or cause personal or property damage to themselves or others in connection with the use of the facilities at Schellerup Gård, etc. which is used by Schellerup ApS (including when staying on the land register otherwise).

11. Schellerup ApS må benytte e-mail til at markedsføre egne tilsvarende produkter til kunden via elektronisk post.

12. Vi forbeholder os ret til at ekskludere enhver person, der ikke opfylder ovenstående betingelser. Prisen vil i dette tilfælde ikke blive refunderet.
